I will miss U

I see the girl I wanna be Riding bare back, care free along the shore If only that someone was me Jumping head first headlong without a thought To act and damn the consequence How I wish it could be that easy But fear surrounds me like a fence I wanna break free

I see the girl I wanna be
Riding bare back, care free along the shore
If only that someone was me
Jumping head first headlong without a thought
To act and damn the consequence
How I wish it could be that easy
But fear surrounds me like a fence
I wanna break free

Snart ska Fairy tillbaka, vill verkligen inte. Försöker tvinga mamma att vi åker dit och hälsar på en gång i veckan men mamma säger bara nej... Hälsar i alla fall på henne läger 5 :D Sedan kommer hon tillbaka i augusti!

Postat av: Jasmine såklart

Sv nr2: Jaha hur går det med henne? :D Själv hyr jag Jade!

2011-05-31 @ 21:13:12
URL: http://jasminesplace.blogg.se/

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